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Holistic Coaching with Emily Arin Snider

Schedule your 20-minute complimentary consultation call with Emily

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Education and Professional Training

​PSYCH-K Facilitator, 2013-present

One of the most powerful subconscious belief-change and life design processes I've experienced

Certified Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) Professional, 2013-present

A beautiful mind-body modality for helping us digest challenging experiences and gain insight from them. I teach all my clients how to use TAT as a home practice. 

Worked with the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) from 2011-2017

A six-year deep dive exploring pioneering healing modalities and how these approaches can fit into more established frameworks, such as counseling, coaching, and medicine

Presence-Based Coach Training with Doug Silsbee, 2013-2014​

Being truly present with another might be one of the best medicines on the planet

Yo San University for Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2001-2003​​

Studied the foundational principles of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine

Dartmouth College, Class of 2000

Long New Hampshire winters, stunning river-swimming summers, degree in creative writing

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Huge shift in self-worth!

Emily is so supportive, compassionate and non-judgmental. Even if there’s something you’d be a little bit shy or embarrassed about sharing, she creates a truly safe space to feel into those and air them so they’re not hidden in the shadows anymore. And, with the energy psychology tools, It’s amazing work to be able to use the body and the subconscious mind to get to the heart of things rather than having to battle with the conscious mind. It’s so much easier and efficient.


I used to have issues with self-worth around being able to set boundaries and have my needs and desires met in relationships. This was a big pattern in my unhealthy marriage. Even after my marriage, relationships felt mediocre—like they needed more work than I would get out of them, so what was the point?


As a result of this work, my self-worth has deepened and grown and I now feel like, “Oh yeah—I’m worthy of a good relationship. I know my needs will be met with the right person. It just feels like a natural inevitability.” 


Overall, I’m living more from a feeling of surrender and relaxation and am more anchored in my feminine nature. I now trust that the right things will come to me when I’m in this being and receiving zone rather than the masculine “work harder/try harder” mode that I was brought up with. 

VALUES: As a wholehearted human, I know deep in my bones that we're all in this experience together and that the safety and well-being of each one of us matters. My work in this world is based on inclusion for people across all races, ages, ethnicities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, disability/abilities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. If money is a true hardship, please inquire about partial scholarship opportunities.




DISCLAIMER: The information on this website ( is intended solely to educate, inform and inspire you on your personal journey toward optimal health, happiness, and well-being. It is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment from a qualified healthcare professional. Emily Arin Snider is not a doctor nor is she a licensed mental health practitioner. She does not diagnose or prescribe medications and nothing stated on this site in writing or video should be construed as such. 

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